Update v0.1.1

Hi everyone!

As I said before, this update contains audio fx logic for player's actions in the game. 

In addition, I've improved weapon's damage, speed and stamina consumption logic. Now we have an ability to change weapon stats for each of two weapon attacks.

Have fun guys! Feel free to comment with advices, bugreports, or just with any feedback you have.  I would be very appreciate it!

New functionality:

1. Audio FX logic

2. Weapon base class improvements

3. Damage, speed and stamina changes depends on weapon (for each attack type)

Fixed bugs:


Known bugs (after playtest) that have not been fixed at the current time:

1. Permanent invulnerability with zero HP revealed sometimes.

2. The ability to act is lost sometimes, but is restored after an enemy hit or player's death.

Best regards



SwordAndShield_v_0.1.8 2.2 GB
Version 12 Feb 13, 2021

Get Sword & Shield multiplayer game (WIP)

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