Update v0.06(!)

Animation notifications doesn't give me a chance to avoid bugs)) 

Because of this fact AnimNotifyEvents were substituted to AnimNotifyStates in version 0.06

AnimNotifyStates have a couple of advantages:

  • You are guaranteed to start with a Notify Begin Event.
  • You are guaranteed to end with a Notify End Event.
  • You are guaranteed to have Notify Tick wrapped between a Notify Begin and a Notify End event.

Due to that you can union some events as weapon mesh activation/deactivation in one state and call it on Begin and End overridden functions.

And the main convenience here is that you will not have an annoying situations when the engine couldn't call notifies without any guarantee.


SwordAndShield_v_0.1.8 2.2 GB
Version 8 Jan 14, 2021

Get Sword & Shield multiplayer game (WIP)

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